Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lindsey Goes to Kindergarten

Today Lindsey started Kindergarten.  She did great.  I'm so proud of my beautiful, grown-girl.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day at the Amusement Park

After planning and canceling a couple of times this summer, we finally made it today to the local amusement park.  We had a boat load of fun and we made it a whole 7 hours before the meltdowns started, which is a new family record (good going Family!).  This evening Blain and I are exhausted but Lindsey and Sam still had enough energy to do my hair in a rather attractive do.

First ride of the day
Waiting in line for the "Terror Ride"
Baby on the go
Flying Aces
Sam by the Raft Ride
 New Hairdo

Friday, August 13, 2010

Carley's First Visit to the Dentist

Poor Carley cried and screamed but that made it really easy and quick for the dentist to give her an exam.  The dentist declared Carley's teeth to be perfect and beautiful!  We knew she had beautiful teeth but it was good to hear there were no problems as well.  In fact the dentist gave all 3 kids a clean bill of health. 

And unlike last time, Lindsey and Sam did great!  No incidents of mouths clenched shut or biting the hygienist's hand.  Lindsey even allowed her teeth to be cleaned, although she refused to swallow the rinse water so it dribbled out the sides of her mouth.  I asked the hygienist if it was common for kids Lindsey's age to do that and she said, "No, in fact this is the first time I've ever seen a kid do that".  Leave it up to Lindsey to come up with a new spin on things.  Still it was a major improvement from 6 months ago.

Carley can't wait to climb into the Dentist's cool chair!
See the drool?
Sam showing off his pearly white teeth

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Second Parade of the Summer

Lindsey and Sam got the chance to be in another parade this Saturday, the second one this summer they've been in.  This time they rode on the back of a pickup and trailer with their preschool.  Their "float" won a trophy for "Best Children's Entry".  Great going guys!

Friday, August 6, 2010