Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Checkups and Kindergarten Roundup

This morning Carley had her 15 month checkup and Lindsey her five year checkup.  Carley is 23 lbs 6 oz and is right on track height and weight wise, still right at the 50th percentile.  Her head circumference, though, has shot up to the 90th.  We were thinking her head looked a little big lately!  And other than eczema, she's perfectly healthy and right on track developmentally.

Lindsey at 36.5 lbs and 41 inches was at the 10th percentile for weight and the 25th for height but the doctor pointed out that the growth charts they had were not multi-racial so she was probably more in the middle for Asians.  She was also pronounced perfectly healthy and right on track developmentally.

Then in the afternoon Lindsey and I went to her Kindergarten "roundup" where we got to meet the kindergarten teachers, see the classrooms and best of all, play in the playground.  Afterwards Lindsey and I had a nice mother-daughter lunch date at a restaurant that overlooks the local municipal airport.  So we got to watch airplanes and helicopters take off and land while we ate.

Tonight we weighed Sam since it had been a while.  We were shocked to see he now weighs 29.5 lbs.  It will still be a little while before Carley catches him.

Lindsey was a little bit nervous while waiting for the Roundup to start

Sam at almost 30 pounds

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