Saturday, November 21, 2009


The kids and I were watching the movie Cars when Blain called us to dinner (he's taken, ladies, how lucky am I).  I flipped off the TV and went to pick up the baby.  She looked up at me and very clearly said "No!" in response to the TV being turned off.  Blain even heard it from downstairs.  I'm not sure if I should be annoyed or proud.  A little of both, but mostly proud. 

Carley's not quite one yet, almost but not yet, and she already can say 6 words.  That's probably fairly average but I'm one proud mama.  Luckily "no" was not her first word, that was "dada" followed by "mama".  She can also say "dog", "baby" and "stop".  Interesting that "no" and "stop" are part of this very limited vocabulary.  She must have heard those words more than once.  Oh, she can also sign for "milk" and "stop", clap her hands and wave bye-bye.

After dinner we all gathered in the family room to read, watch TV, blog (me) and sit in front of the fire.  Maybe not an exciting Saturday night, but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that sounds pretty exciting to me! Kids make everything more fun!
    It is the most amazing thing to hear a baby start to really feels like they might be the most brilliant child in the entire world!!!
